100 Mind-blowing Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

100 Amazing Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

Hello guys, todays i’m gonna tell ya about some verified mind-blowing, cool, and weird facts from around the world.

 OK, maybe "Mind-blowing" is a bit dramatic. But i’m sure you'll (probably) enjoy this 100 amazing facts and likely consider mentioning to nearby people.

  1. The Golden Gate Bridge's two main cables are long enough to circle the world at the equator more than three times.
  2. A study found that people literally sitting outside a box came up with more ideas than those sitting inside the box.
  3. By law, no United States officer is allowed to outrank George Washington, who posthumously became a six-star general.
  4. Ironically, we tend to want what we can't have. Then once we get it, we don't want it anymore.
  5. If you sleep on your right side you will fall asleep faster than sleeping on your left side.
  6. Someone becoming angry with you will motivate you to work harder and in more creative ways, a study shows.
  7. When people feel down about themselves, they're more likely to use social media to check other people out, making them feel even worse.
  8. Exercise improves mood, information processing and makes you a more flexible thinker.
  9. The longest English word without a true vowel is "rhythm."
  10. The Aztecs used chocolate as currency -- one hen was worth 100 cacao beans.
  11. There is a species of trapdoor spider named after President Obama—Aptostichus barackobamai.
  12. A new study suggests that prolonged exposure to air pollution may shrink the human brain.
  13. An Amazonian ant called Mycocepurus smithii reproduces through cloning—no male of the species has ever been found.
  14. YOLO aka "You only live once" is literally a false statement. You live everyday, you only die once.
  15. Female koalas have two vaginas.
  16. A man in Saudi Arabia has installed a fridge on the street and stocks it with free food for the homeless people in his neighborhood.
  17. Research shows that thinking about money makes people more determined and focused, but less sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.
  18. In Japanese, there are at least 20 different ways to say "sorry.”
  19. There is a city called "Batman" in Turkey.
  20. Platypuses will bite onto each other's tails and swim in a circle when they have decided to mate.
  21. A study found that those who go out alone and those who go out in a group have the same amount of fun.
  22. "Vagina" comes from a Latin root meaning "sheath for a sword."
  23. 30% of the general population gets their news from Facebook.
  24. If you remember and use people's names in conversations, they will like you more.
  25. A sleeping human brain can still understand the words being spoken around it.
  26. Don't use a song you like as an alarm to wake up. You'll end up hating it.
  27. In about 4 billion years, the Milky Way will merge with the Andromeda galaxy.
  28. The most complex language to voice is !Xóõ, spoken mostly in Botswana—it has 112 distinct sounds, while English has about 40.
  29. Female tigers roar at much higher frequencies than male tigers.
  30. Multiplying 21,978 by 4 reverses the order of the numbers to 87,912.
  31. It would cost about $1,500 to make a sandwich entirely from scratch, including growing the vegetables, killing the chicken, and so on.
  32. Seals have been known to surf on the backs of humpback whales.
  33. "Cat Island," an island off the coast of Japan, is home to 22 residents and over 120 cats — that's 6 cats a person.
  34. Men are more likely to have sons if they have more brothers and are more likely to have daughters if they have more sisters.
  35. Human muscles are limited by our brain, we actually have the strength to move cars and boulders.
  36. Freshwater fish don't drink water, it just enters through their gills, but saltwater fish must drink tons of water and filter out the salt.
  37. People generally read 25% slower on a computer screen in comparison with a printed page, according to a study.
  38. With barely enough money to finish the original film, director George Miller paid many "Mad Max" cast members in beer.
  39. Receiving a notification on your cell phone but not responding is as distracting as actually answering the phone or replying to a text.
  40. The moment when Cinderella's Fairy Godmother transforms her torn dress into a gown was said to be Walt Disney's favorite piece of animation.
  41. For smokers, the risk of a heart attack is 200% to 400% greater than that of nonsmokers.
  42. One-third of first heart attacks are fatal, and another third result in permanent damage to the heart.
  43. Every year, air pollution kills more than 2 million people.
  44. Anywhere between 5-15% of the bombs dropped in Europe and Asia during WWII never exploded and are still hidden where they fell.
  45. A day on the Moon is so slow that you could outrun the sun in a car and stay in perpetual sunlight.
  46. Mickey Mouse has a sister named Amelia Fieldmouse.
  47. Thanks to high resolution flat-screen TVs, dogs can now watch TV as much as humans. Older CRT screens were too blurry for dogs to see.
  48. 80% of volcanic eruptions happen underwater.
  49. Taller people are slightly more likely to get cancer than shorter people, due to the fact that they have more cells to develop mutations.
  50. Nearly half of any book, conversation, or article will be nothing but the same 50-100 words.
  51. The hormone that makes you grow is only produced when you sleep.
  52. For one moment in time, you were the youngest person in the world.
  53. Unexpected text messages from the person you care about can have a positive affect on your body and instantly improve your mood.
  54. Don’t just listen to what people say, watch what they do.
  55. Bananas are known as a happy fruit. Eating just one can help relieve irritable emotions, anger and or depression.
  56. Over 90% of people are no longer friends with somebody that they once called their best friend.
  57. Human babies are unable to recognize themselves in mirrors until they are 12-20 months of age.
  58. Around 150-200 species become extinct every day.
  59. Every cell in our skeleton is replaced every 7 years.
  60. Materialistic consumers may derive more pleasure from desiring products than they do from actually owning them, according to a study.
  61. Pandas have one of the highest bite forces of any carnivore.
  62. A rat can fall from a 5 story building without injuries.
  63. A common heart disease medicine known as Propranolol has the unintended side effect of making the user slightly less racist.
  64. The largest county in the US is roughly the size of Germany.
  65. According to a study, the two most common feelings that people tend to bring out in others are enthusiasm and boredom.
  66. During World War II, prisoners in Canadian war camps were treated so well, many of them didn't want to leave when the war ended.
  67. Despite having a population of 310 million, 47% of the U.S. remains unoccupied.
  68. During the Cold War, bears were shot out of ejector seats in supersonic jets for testing.
  69. A hummingbird takes up to 250 breaths in a minute.
  70. Bananas have more trade regulations imposed upon them than AK-47s.
  71. Octopuses have three hearts.
  72. Emotional tears contain leucine enkephalin, a natural painkiller.
  73. Sicilians have a saying: 'Chi non beve in compagnia o è un ladro è una spia,'—‘He who doesn’t drink in company is either a thief or a spy.’”
  74. In 1923, a jockey suffered a heart attack mid-race, but his horse finished and won—the first and only jockey to win a race after death.
  75. The "vampire squirrel" of Borneo has the fluffiest tail of any mammal on Earth—its tail is 30% larger than the volume of the squirrel's bod.
  76. In Los Angeles, a single adult needs to make $12.82 an hour just to live—so the $9 minimum wage falls short by $3.82.
  77. A study found that, when applying for jobs, a black man without a criminal record fared worse than a white man with one.
  78. Someone serving in the U.S. military is 15 times more likely to be sexually assaulted by a compatriot than killed in action.
  79. People are more likely to post selfies involving the left side of their face because it is the side that is more expressive of emotions.
  80. Shorter men tend to divorce at lower rates, but they also do less housework than men who are taller than their spouses, a study found.
  81. Men and women have the exact same hormones -- the differences lie in the hormone levels and patterns.
  82. Octopuses that do not escape their own ink cloud can die
  83. A new study found that babies learn more about an object or environment when they are surprised by it, rather than able to predict it.
  84. Looking at too many pictures of food on Instagram can actually make it less enjoyable to eat, according to a study.
  85. Without your pinky finger, you would lose 50% of your hand strength.
  86. A pair of brown rats can produce as many as 2,000 descendants in a year.
  87. Nearly two-thirds of your weight comes from water.
  88. A lost wallet is more likely to be returned if there's a photo of a baby in it, according to a 2009 experiment.
  89. At one point, the Statue of Liberty was turned into a giant battery due to its paint and metal being exposed to salt water.
  90. Singapore is the world's most expensive city, followed closely by Paris.
  91. In Japan, it is illegal to name your baby Akuma, which means "devil."
  92. If ancient Rome's Colosseum was built today, it would cost around $380 million.
  93. Scientist have developed a real life tractor beam that can force objects closer or further to it.
  94. Cleaner fish help out other fish by removing parasites and dead skin from their scales.
  95. In 1998, Microsoft's "DirectX" team pitched a new gaming console known as the "directXbox". Later shortened to "Xbox".
  96. A study found that children who were encouraged to gesture while learning, retained more of what they had learned.
  97. Women are more likely than men to eat food that has been dropped on the floor.
  98. The IKEA HQ in Delft, Netherlands had to stop offering their €1 breakfast because the highways couldn't handle the traffic it attracted.
  99. If you went swimming on the Moon, you would be able to walk on the water's surface and jump out of the water like a dolphin.
  100. Everyone has experienced something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were. 
Source: Google Facts

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Manga Council: 100 Mind-blowing Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
100 Mind-blowing Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
100 Mind-blowing Facts, 100 Google Facts, 100 Amazing Facts
Manga Council
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